Reliable Interaction Limited

User Centred Design & Research for Safety-related Systems

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Human Factors Consultancy ...

We offer flexible solutions related to User Requirements Elicitation, Usability Assessment, Human Reliability Assessment, Human Factors Integration & Research. 

Specialist Human Factors training courses are also available.

Human Factors Integration

In need of a Human Factors Integration Plan or related policies and procedures? Reliable Interaction can help put together the processes and documentation you need to see you safely through the product lifecycle.

Usability Assessment

From high fidelity large scale simulations to smaller applications, we can provide a tailored usability assessment solution to help steer and validate design. We can also employ a suite of predictive methods to ‘get into your user’s heads’ and describe how they might interact or fail to interact with the design you have on the table.

Human Reliability & Safety

We can identify and assess the likelihood of human ‘error’ using qualitative and / or quantitative methods in line with (or to exceed) the necessary standards and legislation. Get in touch to discuss some of the possibilities and what might be best for your project.

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